
Welcome to my 3-Day for the Cure blog where I discuss my experience training, fundraising and walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. I'll be walking in my third 3-Day, this year in San Diego with my teammate Julie, who I met back in 2009 on the walk. I love sharing stories, challenges, frustrations and successes here and really enjoy hearing back from all of you.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Training Tuesday

Another week of less than successful training. I did manage to get one short 3 mile walk in during a lunch break and a short work out one evening. Other than that I’m experiencing definite guilt in life over how to prioritize everything. Is it more important that I train tonight or work on my thesis? Even when I think I have it figured out, something happens, something comes up, and then I’m even further behind. I’m trying hard to remember that I just cannot do everything! Anyone out there have some great advice for prioritizing life and maintaining sanity in this busy world? How do you manage your 3-Day training with everything else we have in our busy lives?


  1. I asked this question on my blog not long ago, too. You just need to do what you can, as much as you can. No guilt! We all have families and life to prioritize and you just do the best you can. Good luck and Keep Going!

  2. It really depends on what you want your 3-Day experience to be and your attitude. If you want it to be about being a part of the experience, raising money for a good cause, and enjoying those 3 days regardless of how many miles you walk, then embrace that feeling, do your best to train, but don't beat yourself up about missing training walks and set your mental expectation appropriately that you will do the best you can as you try to balance it through all of the other priorities you have in life. If however you have your mind set on finishing all 60 miles, then do your best to make training a priority above other things in life. Remember that the period of training is temporary. I find it hard sometimes to follow the 3-Day training schedule exactly (and have the energy with the rest of my life), so as I get to higher mileage, I focus on just making sure I complete the long training walks on the weekends (or whenever I can fit them in), and if I miss the lower mileage days, I don't stress about it. It may make the final 60 miles harder, but I know it's the best I can do in juggling training and life. Most importantly remember: every step you take no matter how many is a victory! And brings us one step closer to a cure. :)

  3. Wish I could give you some sage advice, but all I have for you is sympathy. I am having a heck of a time getting my walks in with the kids still on summer vacation! Plus now soccer season is starting up and both kids play!

    Looking forward to someone posting the magical words we both want to hear :)
